
Jul 31 2008

Vocat aestus in umbram

I see a redness suddenly come
And the ship of sunrise burning
To save our honour and a world aflame

And though he strew the grave with gold
Would it have been worth while
Never relaxing into grace

A gold-feathered bird
Of sweet fire sweeps across me, so I drown
Farther and farther, all the birds
And the cries of the ships
But one telling me plain what I escaped

The stream of everything that runs away

The joy of your approach
I add added it to it
Made merry because it is so
You are lifted
I will rise
And time seemed finished ere the ship passed by

Note: “Advent” is a cento.  The epigraph translates to “the heat calls into the shade” and comes from Nemesianus by way of Ezra Pound.


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